
I Don’t Need Your Help, I Want It.


Recently, I had to “encourage” one of my kids to help me with a work project. I tried to explain it this way:

“ I don’t NEED your help. I’m perfectly capable of doing all of this myself. I WANT your help.”

There is a camaraderie, or fellowship, created through working with others that just isn’t built any other way. People in the military experience this, athletes on a team understand it, and members of a family should know it better than anyone. When you work together, it bonds you together in incredible ways. 

And maybe this is why it makes me angry when they shun work.  It’s like they are turning their back on a closer relationship with me, not just the project at hand.

It occurred to me that God invites us into His work too. He certainly doesn’t NEED our help, but he WANTS it.

 “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 

And for this very same reason.

Ye are my friends if you do whatsoever I command you.” John 15:15

I know that work is good for my kids. Not just good for their character, or to enhance their general knowledge, although those are true.  It’s good for our relationship. It creates belonging, a sense of purpose, and immense satisfaction when a job is well done. 

So, maybe the next time our Heavenly Father asks me to do something, I will try to throw myself into it with a glad heart, expecting that it will enhance my relationship with Him - and that is surely reward enough. 

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