
Jesus gladness and Holiness

Could not help but share this one. So glorious. So encouraging. What a great reminder. 

We might picture someone who has a passionate love for holiness and and intense hatred for sin as being joyless, uptight, and rigid.
In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. The result of Jesus’ holy life was overflowing gladness–gladness surpassing that of anyone else around Him. It was true of Jesus. And it will be true of anyone who, like Jesus, loves righteousness and hates evil . . .
To pursue holiness or to be half-hearted about its pursuit is to forfeit true true joy and to settle for something less than that God-intoxication for which we were created.
Sooner or later, sin will strip and rob you of everything that is truly beautiful and desirable. If you are a child of God, you were redeemed to enjoy the sweet fruit of holiness–to walk in oneness with your heavenly Father, to relish His presence, to rejoice in His mercy, to know the joy of having clean hands, a pure heart, and a clear conscience, and one day, to stand before Him unashamed.
Why settle for anything else?
Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Holiness

Found it in this encouraging article about parenting teenagers

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