Starbucks and Submission
Last Sunday morning, my husband got up early to go help my oldest son move some heavy things at his father's house. So I was left alone with the two littles (2 and nearly 4) to get myself and them all ready for church.
Not a huge deal, but I had just gotten a haircut that week, and it was the first time I was trying to "do" it myself. That can be a little time consuming . . . . and was.
Nathan comes breezing back in for a quick change of clothes, smiling and ready to go to church.
I had managed to get us all ready and was heading toward the door with an armload of all the stuff it takes to sustain the four of us for a few hours away from home. (Bibles, diaper bag, purse, snacks, etc.)
And cast a longing gaze toward the coffeemaker, which I use mostly to brew tea.
"Can I just have 4 minutes to make myself a cup of tea? Please." I asked Nathan.
"No, come on there's no time. We'll be late." he responded.
What? - My husband almost NEVER says no to me. So I'll admit I was caught off guard. But, I bit my tongue while repeating over and over in my head "Submission, submission, submission."
But, on the outside, I was pouting. And stomping. And I may have even slammed my armload of stuff down in the backseat of the truck before putting my 2 year old into her car seat.
My husband smiled at me across the truck with a sparkle in his eye and said, "Honey, I can't take it any more . I don't want you to be mad. " while handing me a to go cup from Starbucks with my favorite hot and very caffeinated, drink inside.
Talk about feeling small. HUMILITY. In a big dose.
Sheesh. I should be nicer to my husband. Even if he HADN'T brought me a drink, was it really worth all that stomping and pouting. I know caffeine is pretty serious - but seriously.
Have you stomped and pouted lately when God told you "No, come on, there's no time. We'll be late." or something similar?
Take a deep breath. Remember - Submission. Submission. Submission. Humility.
He probably has a better gift just around the corner.
"If you then, who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children. how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" Matthew 7:11
Ignorance is NOT (necessarily) bliss
My brother and his wife took their two boys to Disneyland last spring. They were 7 and 4 at the time.
Sounds great, right? The only trouble was the 7 year old didn't want to go. He didn't want to miss SCHOOL! :)
"Boy," I said, "Just wait 'til he gets there. You'll never have that problem again! "
He had no idea what he was in for. . . . .
And really, neither do we.
"In my Father's house there are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. " John 14:2-3
The Sure Foundation
My actual table |
The complication comes in when I went to put the table back. I could NOT, for the life of me, get the darned thing level. I scooted it this way, and scooted it that way. I lined it up right under the chandelier, which is, I'm pretty sure, EXACTLY where it was in the first place. I even tried to pry some Post-it notes under one of the legs to keep it from wobbling.
It occurred to me that my floor has settled. It's a tile floor (as you can see in the picture) which is great to clean, not great for anything fragile you drop, including little kids, and really not great for settling level.
Now, I could have gotten radical and chopped off one of the table legs a little. But, instead I coaxed it into a spot where it's very nearly level and used the Post-its to make up the difference.
It made me think of the foundation upon which I base my decisions, the choices I make about how to live my life and what to do with it.
Before you start chopping legs off the table, be sure you have a sure foundation. Don't adjust the table to the floor when it's the floor that's out of whack.
I know this happens a lot to college kids. They move away from home, and nothing seems level anymore. (and No, I don't mean my own college kid, who is practically perfect in every way)
Here's my best advice. Hold fast to the "sure foundation." And if you've never been introduced to the Sure Foundation . . . . Allow me . . .
So this is what the Sovereign LORD says:
"See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who trusts will never be dismayed." Isaiah 28:16
"For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ." I Corinthians 3:11
Huge Mess or Little Spill?
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Norwex Enviro-cloth |
Wait! This is not a commercial for Norwex, I have a bigger point, I promise.
O.K. So, many times, what determines whether something is a "Huge Mess" or a "Little Spill" is perspective. And this microfiber cleaning cloth has changed my whole perspective.
This morning my independent, nearly four year old son dumped half of a pancake syrup bottle all over his plate, the table, and the floor. Of course he spilled right on the crack that opens up for the leaf, which means even more mess to clean up.
In my pre-Envirocloth days, this would have meant a huge cleaning up project, breakfast delay (read: turn off the griddle), and general inconvenience. Now, however, it is a mere swipe - or ten with a couple of trips to the sink to rinse out - but STILL - much easier. I am a believer.
(No, I do not sell Norwex products, but I have a friend who does, so if you want her contact info, let me know)
It occurred to me that what I view as life's HUGE MESSES, God views as a little spill. Actually, James tells us they are "pure joy"
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. " James 1:2
And God's cleaning cloth is immeasurably better than microfiber.
"And he said, "These are they who came out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." Revelation 7:14
So, the next time you see a "Huge Mess" view it from the perspective of the blood of the Lamb, and shrink it down to size.
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