
1000 things to be grateful for

11. A successful graduation! And a boy to be sooooo proud of.

12. Knowing God loves him even more than I do, and being able to trust Him with him.

13. A baby GIRL on the way! Yippee!! A dose of estrogen for my testosterone-laden household!

14. Pink. Frills. Lace. French braids. Tights with ruffles on the butt. Socks with ruffles on the cuffs. Shiny shoes with bows and buckles.


1000 things to be grateful for

8. A husband who is not only willing, but anxious to have God's will for our lives, whatever that means.

9. A week of preparation that goes smoothly!

10. The joy of looking forward to a trip. . .  even if it is to Amarillo :)!


1000 things to be grateful for

6. Big opportunities and a future left entirely in God's hands.

7. My baby (big) boy's last day of school . . . .ever (high school, anyhow) and mostly how wonderfully he has turned out - and the evidence that prayer really gets answered. Even the desperate prayers of a confused, barely saved, single mom.


1000 things to be grateful for

4. a day where the wind only gusts to 20 mph

5. a smiley, snuggly boy to wake up to. . .


1000 things to be grateful for (cont)

2. A day spent mostly in the company of my boys.

3. An evening spent entirely in the company of my boys.


1000 things to be grateful for

1. My gracious, loving, merciful, glorious God

That's enough for today - for each today - but I'm so blessed, I'll be more than able to add more tomorrow.